Monday, November 30, 2009

Rauf Klasra to sue a UK based website

rauf klasra  Rauf Klasra to sue a UK based website PakPoint.comRauf Klasra from Jang group of news papers is an investigative journalist. Yesterday in one of his column he has revealed the fact that he is now in London to sue a UK based website. The alleged website has published some unconfirmed plot scandal reports against Rauf Klasra. The Rauf Klasra has denied any such allegations and blamed PMLN behind that website to defame journalists. Rauf Kalasra in his column published yesterday claimed that he have already arranged an attorney in UK and soon he is going to take the admin of pkpolitics to the court of law. In one of their recent attempt pkpolitics claimed that Brig Imtiaz is also being pushed into the media by Rauf Klasra.
Haroon Rashid a senior columnist and Muhammad Malick a journalist are also supporting Rauf Klasra. The said website has also published some material about Haroon Rashid and Muhammad Malick. There exist defamation act 1966 in uk with respect to actions for defamation or malicious falsehood. So if Rauf Klasra can prove against the website. They may have to face some serious consequences.

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