Sunday, December 27, 2009

Afghanpur not Pakhtunkhwa

afghan1  Afghanpur not Pakhtunkhwa PakPoint.comLet us strike at the root of the trouble. And the only best way-out for resolving our protracted problems is to declare the presently 22 divisions of the country as provinces and each one is declared entitled for equal resources, irrespective of population, topography and area. (Na rahy bans na baji gi bansri).The root cause for all of our basic tribulations is misgovernance and mismanagement because of incompetence of our elites and unmanageability of our masses. But looters are not supposed to be leaders.

So let us to be confined to this non-issue of renaming this ill fated province of this ill fated country.

So my suggestion is that ‘Afghanpur’ is more appropriate and more in consonance with the beautiful people of NWFP, hence I suggest ‘Afghanpur’ instead of ‘Pakhtunkhwa’ to be declared the new name of this province. And I have grounds for my suggestion. All of the people of NWFP, including Chitrali speaking, Hindko speaking, Torwali speaking, Gujro speaking, Kohistani speaking, Kalami speaking and Pashto speaking are of course Afghan in origin but not Pakhtun in toto. So to be harmony, suitability and acceptability among all the people ‘Afghanpur’ is more adequate and becoming.

Aftab Alam Advocate (High Court),

President District Bar Association Swat

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