Tuesday, February 2, 2010

India can’t impose war: Mushahid

LAHORE: PML-Q Secretary-General Mushahid Husain Syed has stressed that there is an urgent need to initiate the process of composite dialogue between Pakistan and India for the resolution of all problems, including Kashmir, and to maintain long lasting peace in South East Asia.

Speaking at a seminar on “Pak-India Relations in Changing Scenario” at the Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS), Punjab University, on Monday, he said Pakistan and India were the only two nuclear armed neighbouring countries that had an outstanding controversial dispute like Kashmir.

He said the path to a durable peace in the region lay in settling the Kashmir issue in the light of UN resolutions.

Presently, he said, Pakistan and India were evenly-balanced because the supremacy of India in terms of numbers and traditional armaments had ended after Pakistan attained nuclear power status in 1998.

“Neither India can impose war on Pakistan like it did in 1971 nor Pakistan has now any apprehensions of such a war or aggression from any quarter,” he said.

At the most, he said, India could indulge in conspiracies to isolate Pakistan through diplomatic efforts, intervene in Pakistan’s internal affairs by sponsoring acts of terrorism or subject it to water aggression by depriving it of its water share.

Mr Syed said the biggest hurdle in the normalisation of relations between both the countries was the prejudiced Indian behaviour that harboured aggressive designs against Pakistan.

He said three important developments had taken place in the world scenario recently that had made the global situation conducive for Pakistan.

He said the significance of Afghanistan and Pakistan had increased in the US priorities as compared to India.

He said the US had lost war in Afghanistan and was desperately looking for any safe and honourable passage out of the morass. He said the passage for enduring peace and stability in Afghanistan pass through Pakistan.

He said the third important emerging development was the rise of China as an overwhelming political and economic power in the world arena. So, he said, the 21st century belonged to Asia.

He said the US was becoming weaker and weaker with every passing day on account of its worsening economic conditions.

Now, he said, the political and economic leadership could work out a doable strategy in the light of national objectives and goals to seek optimal advantage for Pakistan by exploiting these three emerging favourable developments.

PU Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Mujahid Kamran said the US was looking for a safe and honourable exit from Afghanistan due to sacrifices and historic resistance put up by the valiant people of Afghanistan.

CSAS director Prof Dr Muhammad Saleem Mazhar also spoke on the occasion.

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