Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ramona, Young Galaxy

RAMONA - HOW LONG 192 kbps
Rock, Punk

how long
you gonna love me
do you really want me

Ramona! No, not Ramones! Ramona! That's the name of the band from Brighton, UK with another simple love song. However, I like it. Karen Anne and her beautiful voice engage me sympathy for this song. Tough, this happens always to me if there is a woman with a agreeable voice. To complete the band here is the rest. Charlie Snelling (Guitar), James Watts (Bass) and Fred West (Drums). In September there's coming out a 7". They're working on an album, too. Next year it should be released. For more information about Ramona and tour dates check out the links below. Watch also the music video of 'How long'.

Sheena Beaston

Indie, Pop 

I close my eyes
and lose the station

Oooh! Oooh! Here you should keep your eyes on it. Young Galaxy! Opener of Arcade Fire and nominated for Polaris Music Prize. Declared, this not a song to make big party and dancing on the table. This song, however, have a huge potential for remixes. Like the Henning Fürst remix you can also find on the link and below. As I said this is no party song I don't meant it's a lousy song. It's a magnificent track. Maybe you prefer to listen the songs in the park with your friend next to you while the sun is shining. I don't know. If you want to get more information about the canadians from montreal check out their MySpace-Page.

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