Saturday, May 23, 2009

Kuburan - Tua Tua Klabing

Free Download Mp3 Tua Tua Klabing by Kuburan on PlazaMp3.Blogspot. Buy the Original Mp3 at Music Box below the post. It's very simple and easy. Play the Music Box widget to see your fave Mp3 then click Buy Mp3 button to get this one at Amazon aStore. Our recommended New Album to be collected of this week is come from Eminem-Relapse

"Tua Tua Klabing Lyrics"
By: Kuburan

Malam minggu pa kumis lagi pusing
Pergi ke diskotik niat mau ajojing

Tua tua kelabing 3x

Kepala geleng geleng, kayak lagi teriping
Joged miring miring, ruku kayak kepiting

Tua tua kelabing 3x
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Ok, gadis gadis tangannya ke atas yah
Cowok cowok tangannya di jaga
Kita joged sama pak kumis

Ah drakula jangan bunuh aku
Ku tak mau mati di tanganmu
Oh drakula kasihanilah aku
Ku tak mau mati di tanganmu
Besok.. aku dilamar

Hey hey hey hey hey.. tua tua kelabing

Notes: If you wanna fast download lets sign up here to Ziddu.

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