Sunday, February 14, 2010

Google Launched Google Buzz in Gmail a Social Networking Tool

Screen shot 2010 02 10 at 21.13.40  Google Launched Google Buzz in Gmail a Social Networking Tool
Google have launched a new social networking tool in Gmail in the name of Google Buzz. The official Google blog has introduced this product yesterday. Here is a selection from Google official blog

We’ve blogged before about our thoughts on the social web, steps we’ve taken to add social features to our products, and efforts like OpenSocial that propose common tools for building social apps. With more and more communication happening online, the social web has exploded as the primary way to share interesting stuff, tell the world what you’re up to in real-time and stay more connected to more people.

With the introduction of this new product Gmail has become a social tool. This not a first social media attempt by Google. They have already tried Orkut, but all Google’s efforts in social media did not gained a major success, Orkut is only popular in a limited number of countries.

With Buzz Google is trying to catch Face book and Twitter users. Interestingly Face Book have recently announced that it may start a full email serves as well.

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