Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Stockholm, Sweden. I like Robyn since I've heard "Konichiwa Bitches". The Swedish founded her own record label "Konichiwa Records" in 2005, after signed the record label "Jive" off. This year she wants to release three albums. In June she did the first step with "Body Talk Pt. 1" and recently in September she did the next step with "Body Talk Pt. 2". This track here, called "None Of Dem" is out of "Body Talk Pt. 1", is remixed by Timid Tiger. The quintette from Cologne, Germany, made a wonderful danceable remix. I like the beats! Do you want here some other tracks. Take the EP below. By the way, on the homepage of Robyn you can listen to all hear records included to the brand new album "Body Talk Pt. 2". You should do it.

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