Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Electricity Power outages raging across country

1 13 2010 95999 l  Electricity Power outages raging across country PakPoint.comThe ongoing electricity shortfall has mounted to 4,200 megawatt while unannounced long-hour power cuts have multiplied miseries of already suffering domestic and industrial consumers, Geo news said.

Though several sky-high claims continued coming to surface from officials of PEPCO, forecasting the elimination of electricity load shedding from Pakistan by the end of 2009 but nonetheless, not sigh of relief has come into sight as yet.

All the major and minor cities across Pakistan including Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta, have been facing the abject electric shortage while small and big cities are countering with up to 18-hour-longelectricity load shedding, consumers said.

PEPCO officials claimed to have overcome the rising power impasse as early as in a few days to come particularly after the commencement of hydel power generation.

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