Friday, April 1, 2011

Troy Merryfield and JoAnne Kloppenburg - Ad

This is a must-see ad for Wisconsin voters.

Troy Merryfield, an abuse victim, calls out JoAnne Kloppenburg for failing to denounce a positively disgusting ad from the Greater Wisconsin Committee, smearing Justice David Prosser.

A week ago, Merryfield asked Kloppenburg to have the decency to condemn this piece of trash rather than exploit his suffering for her political gain.

Read his statement.

Needless to say, Kloppenburg continued to exploit Merryfield.

So today, Merryfield, the victim of both a pedophile priest and the Kloppenburg proponents, is speaking out again.

Will Kloppenburg respond now?

Is she utterly shameless?

We'll find out.

TROY MERRYFIELD: In 1978, my brother and I were abused by someone our family trusted.

With the help of David Prosser and law enforcement, we brought our abuser to justice.

Now, we're being victimized again.

This time, JoAnne Kloppenburg's allies want to use our pain for their own gain.

I asked JoAnne Kloppenburg to try and stop these false ads.

JoAnne Kloppenburg refused.

It's just wrong.

I admire Troy Merryfield. It takes a lot of courage to come forward like this.

It's disgusting that Kloppenburg's team has exploited Merryfield and his brother, showing no sensitivity for their pain whatsoever.

For her part, Kloppenburg prefers to potentially benefit from the smearing of Justice Prosser than do the right thing -- strongly and clearly and loudly condemn the Greater Wisconsin Committee's ad.

Kloppenburg is a disgrace.

She has a choice. She can do the right thing.

She's not.



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