Sunday, January 3, 2010

Indian army knows Pak army capacity: Gen Tariq

Staff Report

RAWALPINDI: Chairman Joints Chief of Staff Committee ( JCSC) General Tariq Majid has said that Indian army knows the capacity of the Pakistan armed forces, Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) stated on Saturday.

Responding to a question asked on the Indian Army Chief’s jingoistic pronouncement of Indian military preparations to fight China and Pakistan simultaneously, Chairman JCSC General Tariq Majid has said, “leave alone China, General Deepak Kapoor knows very well what the Indian Armed Forces can not and Pakistan Armed Forces can pull off militarily”, he added.

General Tariq doubted veracity of Indian media report attributed to General Kapoor stating that “he could not be so outlandish in strategic postulations to fix India on a self destruct mechanism. But if the news report is correct, the uncalled for rhetoric only betrays lack of strategic acumen”, he aded.

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