Monday, January 4, 2010

It’s all about AF-Pak

Source: Khilafah Magazine

The climate of the Himalayas is set to change yet again. The melting of snow in the Himalayan summer is a natural phenomenon but the melting of tensions between two heavy weights of the region – Pakistan and India – is so artificial that its sensation does not require any sophistication.

Once again the stage is being set to restart the so called composite dialog between two arch rivals in South Asia and the meeting of the Premiers of two countries at the sidelines of NAM in Sharm-el-Sheikh was the beginning of the dialog process. However events leading to Sharm-el-Sheikh need scrutinizing so as to avoid illusions and unnecessary hope re the future.

Traditionally the bilateral issues between Pakistan and India have been Kashmir, water disputes, Sirkrek, Siachin, nuclear related issues and military matters related to the ratio of forces. Before 9/11 the strategic equation of the region differed considerably compared to the present day scenario. India and Pakistan had been struggling on the basis of equality for influence in Afghanistan and Central Asia. Despite some deficiencies Pakistan was in a much better position prior to the occupation of Afghanistan by the US. By becoming the client state of America in its so called war on terror Pakistan has not only lost its strategic space but handed over its sphere of influence to American led forces and India who both have interests contrary to Pakistan. On the other hand the Indo-U.S relationship has entered a new phase of strategic partnership and the Indo-U.S nuclear deal was its manifestation.

After the regime change in America the world of President Obama was different.America is stuck in the quagmire of Afghanistan and is facing a resurgent Taliban threatening the very existence of the American led coalition on Afghan soil. Domestically the economic meltdown and the military failure in Iraq contributed to the free fall of the once lead super-power.A four month review was initiated by Obama on Afghanistan.The outcome of the review was that Pakistan and Afghanistan were bracketed into Af-Pak and a contact group consisting of India, Iran, Russia and China was formed on the pretext of a so called regional solution.The team that stabilized Iraq by unleashing a deadly chaos and implementing a typical divide and rule policy is now focused on Af-Pak namely Gen Petraus, Lt.Gen Stanley McChrystal and special viceroy on Af-Pak Mr. Richard Holbrooke.

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