Saturday, January 9, 2010

Scanners are the tip of the iceberg as fear will promote stringent measures at port and soil worries Muslim Community

Barrister Amjad Malik

Human rights organisation have expressed their deep concerns at the
effectiveness of full-body scanners in detecting the explosive used in
the Christmas day attack and warned that despite causing further
delays, there are also privacy & religious concerns over the
devices, which produce “naked” images that are tantamount to a strip
search, and fear that it will be used more against Muslim and minority

is tip of the iceberg and more tight regulations will follow if fears
are not addressed on security front by enhancing pre arrest joint
collaboration of community of nations, and despite British Premier
earlier conceded that the scanners trialed at Manchester airport, are
not foolproof, and divided opinion in Europe where France and Germany
are opposing such tight measures, we fear more tighter regimes at
airport and on soil in coming months where Muslim community is already
on firing line bearing the brunt post 9/11. USA has already announced
such measures and selective countries residents are in the line of
We feel
that Home Secretary is entrusted with the job of the safety of public,
but he must not ignore Muslim community’s anxiety which is suffering
due to neglect and heavy handedness already as they have in built fear
that all measures are targeted at them.

including Muslims condemn any terrorist criminal activity and demand
that a crime does not give carte blanch to ask all Muslim to queue up
at airport, go through strip searches and remain in dock of suspicion
for doing nothing. Trail(s) of terrorism related legislation and
finally Government’s untimely discussion over ‘Hijab’, bearded Muslims
and forced marriages deprived the opportunity to strengthen the links
between ancient civilisation(s) and put emphasis on tolerance and
curbing militancy jointly on back foot. Stop and search, and terrorism
legislation have all been targeted against Muslim community and looking
at statistics in last 10 years of convictions and the number of people
who have been arrested, harassed, and either released and or were
declared not guilty by courts are mostly Muslims. Failures in
‘Operation Pathway’ of 10 April are an eye opener where 10 Pakistani
students were arrested on terror suspicion and tried in media and
Pakistan as a state was scolded but all were later released without
charge on 21 April 09, but deportation proceedings were ensured other
than accepting mistakes. Courts are the only safeguard for the Muslim community.

and joint efforts could fail the threat and war mongerers who wishes to
feed the frenzy by asking the executive to use fear to introduce more
stringent measures which will cause to alienate the Muslim youth. This
terrorism related overall strategy has portrayed Muslims as a ‘victim’
in a suspicion dock in the Great Britain and executive and community both
have lost the drive of self accountability as it was impossible to
fight on two fronts, at Govt and home front. Radicalisation is at
increase and Young Muslims aged 16-24 are the prime targets of the
radical groups who used annoyance, attitude and their loneliness as an
excuse to incite them towards ‘revenge.’ What are the causes of youth
falling prey to such outfits is multiple in number and dimensions and
British Government’s neglect, heavy handedness and isolated approach is
integral part of this youth loneliness. The work of youth
organisations, net work of mosques and activities of Muslims in general
are peaceful and law abiding and they need assurance that they will not
be targeted unreasonably and partnership of community must be sought to
fight this war on terror, curb extremism and address security concerns
jointly in a hand in glove approach as enemy is common and is against
the whole humanity.

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