Wednesday, January 6, 2010

UST’s (United States of Terror) Sinister Motives Against Pakistan

After invading and waging a severely damaging war against Afghanistan, which was justified by a self-orchestrated attack on their own soil, storming and devastating Iraq on the basis of absolute falsehood and utter lies about the non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction, the so-called sole supreme power on Earth, the United States of America and its strategic allies are now in the third and most crucial phase of their master plan for the 21st century.

Before launching their global sinister plan, their desperate target is to de-stabilize, de-nuclearize, de-islamize and destroy Pakistan. The evil nexus of US, Israel, India and the Zionist movement realizes and understands that Pakistan is the biggest hurdle in the fulfillment of their pernicious intentions to make Israel the next super-state in the world and achieve their grand strategic goals. They know that Pakistan is a serious threat to their ideology and objectives, without subduing or destroying Pakistan, which is the final frontier of Islam and Muslims, they cannot accomplish their mission and their efforts will not come to fruition. That is the reason why, their main target is not Iraq, not Afghanistan, not Syria, not Yemen or not Iran; their crucial target is Pakistan and they are deploying all of the resources, employing all kinds of schemes to get it rid of this hurdle from their way.

The recent wave of attacks, which rocked a number of cities and targeted several sensitive locations in Pakistan can easily be traced back to the elements associated to the aforementioned nexus so as to instigate chaos, turmoil and disharmony in Pakistan. Since the beginning of October till this day, nearly 25 deadly attacks have shaken the streets of Pakistan and the hearts of Pakistanis. After the recent attack on the Muharram procession in Karachi, the death toll now stands close to a whopping figure of 600 in less
than three months. Innocent men, women and children lost their lives just because they were Pakistanis and of course Muslims.

A careful analysis of the incident unveils that these kind of dreadful attacks can by no means be planned and executed by ordinary local criminals. The pattern, the design, the equipment and explosives used and the kind of people involved clearly lead to the fact that foreign elements with ample resources were behind these attacks and all clues point to dirty and covert operations of US and Indian backed elements fueling and supporting terror in Pakistan from Afghanistan. According to Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas, DG ISPR “Huge
quantity of Indian arms and ammunition, literature, medicine and medical equipment had been recovered during operation Rah-e-Nijaat” [1]. This material finds its way into Pakistan and is used to support the terrorist activities. It is also as evident and is much talked about with sufficient proof that American mercenaries such as Blackwater/Xe Services are at work in Pakistan. CIA has itself confirmed their presence and operations in Pakistan [2].

They are on a mission. A mission of causing as much chaos, turmoil and destruction as possible to weaken Pakistan and to make it more and more vulnerable so that a hoax justification could be presented to take over its nuclear capabilities. Their presence in the federal capital Islamabad, close to the Kahuta Research Labs is really alarming and one must be absolutely blind and ignorant not to see and understand why they are here and what they are up to.

Indeed, the presence, movement and operation of such groups would not have been possible without some local “assistance” provided by the traitors and betrayers of our soil. First thing, how did they get it? Who allowed them? How did they manage to get accommodation other related things? How come they are allowed to carry illegitimate and prohibited weapons openly? How come nobody can dare question them while they roam around our cities? [3],[4],[5],[6]. These are the bitter questions the answers to which only strengthens the notion that these “terrorists” certainly have some internal support.

The intensity and frequency of the suicide attacks reached its maximum in the later half of 2009 and this is time when Pakistan Armed Forces launched a full-blown offensive against the terrorist elements in South Waziristan who have been engaged in all kinds of brutal and horrendous terrorist activities in Pakistan. Most of the attacks in the short time span of less than 3 months were targeted to damage and destroy security establishments and installments in various cities. The massive assault on the GHQ of Pakistan Army in the heart of Pakistan was a clear manifestation of the desperate willingness of the enemies of Pakistan to destabilize and weaken the state of Pakistan and also give an impression to the whole world that Pakistan is a terrorist black hole and the “Islamists” are heading fast to conquer the nuclear facilities in Pakistan and that these facilities must come under the control and supervision of US/NATO forces since they are totally unsafe. The people who attacked GHQ were not even close to any kind of Islamic ideas and their execution of the attack was in no way a work of a local, untrained, rugged and crudely prepared organization. Instead, they were well-trained, commando style people equipped with modern weaponry who had the guts to attack the headquarters of one of world’s most disciplined and organized Army. All traces lead to foreign intervention with a special agenda [7],[8],[9]

The attacks that followed the GHQ assault were all well-coordinated and well-placed attacks mainly targeting Pakistan’s security establishments. The attacks actually kept pace with Pakistan Army’s progress in cleaning up the terrorist elements in South Waziristan. The sudden rise in these attacks clearly tells that they were in retaliation to Pakistan Army’s iron-fist offensive against the terrorists. Pakistan Armed Forces apprehended hundreds of anti-Pakistan militants and confiscated large number of weapons and explosive material which was found out to have Indian/American origin [10]. From where could they be supplied with such ammunition? The far end of their supply line is most certainly in Afghanistan!

The Indians have the highest number of consulates in Afghanistan and Americans have Afghanistan as a crucial base to achieve their goals in this region. Right when Pakistan Army started to wipe out these terrorists from Pakistan’s soil, the covert elements came into action and intensified their terrorist acts all across the country. It can be inferred from the timing and the similitude of these attacks that their orchestrator is one and the same. The terrorist American militia Blackwater/Xe Services and their “regional partners” RAW are behind these acts of terror and they have jointly created TTP to execute their schemes [11],[12].

The presence of Blackwater/Xe in Pakistan and their covert operations are no secret anymore [4],[5],[6]. Foreigners with prohibited weapons, suspicious training centres, vehicles patrolling close to restricted areas, the immunity that these kind of dodgy foreigners are enjoying is sufficient to believe that they are here and they are on a dirty mission against Pakistan. Documented proof has surfaced that they are unfortunately supported by some traitors from inside, they were given clear entry, they were facilitated to import weapons [3] and acquire real estate so as to launch the mission to create a situation turmoil leading to a civil war in Pakistan so that it becomes an easy target when attacked from East and West.

It has been a US strategy that whichever country they wish to invade or whichever nation they wish to bring under their obedience, they first introduce unrest and turbulence in that country, trap it financially and economically, install a weak pro-American slave government and finally invading that country by landing their Army on ground and establishment of massive military bases. They accomplish the first part of this mission by launching covert operations in the country by deploying “professional” terrorists like Blackwater/Xe and the CIA itself which work by supporting terrorist, separatist elements, brainwashing simple and often less-privileged population using them against their own land. After damaging the country from all directions they finally invade it and practically take it over.

The recent examples are Iraq and Afghanistan, where Blackwater/Xe and similar operatives were instrumental in mass killings of innocent people, restricted and illegal weapons were used to wipe out cities filled with people [13]. They were hired to carry out targeted assassinations as well as other terrorist acts like shooting sprees, bombings which took the lives of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians and created a disastrous situation in Iraq [14],[15] which facilitated the Americans to invade and eventually occupy Iraq. These professional terrorists have also been deployed in Afghanistan and they have done enough damage and butchery there to facilitate the US Army to occupy Afghanistan too. [16],[17].

After snatching the oil wells of Iraq by making the lives of Iraqi people miserable and bombing Afghanistan into ruins, the so-called sole supreme power, USA with the loyal help of its aides and allies is now attempting to employ similar tactics in Pakistan. Because this is where they wanted to reach. They desperately want to destabilize and balkanize Pakistan and somehow take away its nuclear capability and leave it just as a obedient sub-state of India, which can be controlled as per accord. Pakistan is the only Muslim state equipped with nuclear power, it is the last hope of the Islamic world, it is the last but strongest fortress of Islam left. It has the potential and the passion to sabotage their plans in the region and it is the biggest hurdle in their schemes to either subdue and malign, or destroy the Islamic world and Muslims, which are a perceived threat for their system and western civilization, from the face of the Earth. Pakistan is the sole biggest threat to their great game, hence the launch of Blackwater/Xe operations and the creation of the fake Taliban, an American/Indian backed organization of savages and worst terrorists namely Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which has been busy trying to destabilize Pakistan. But they keep on forgetting that Pakistan is not Iraq or Afghanistan, Pakistan Army has broken the TTP backbone in a short span of time and are now cleaning up these filthy elements from the soil of Pakistan.

Thus, all the evidence, all clues and a calculated analysis in the backdrop of the global scenario and the incidents in Pakistan leads to the covert and sinister operations of “US terrorist organization” Blackwater/Xe and their associates under the command of US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) together with RAW, TTP and the filthy treacherous insiders who are equally guilty and deserve to be hanged on the lampposts of the federal capital. Despite their desperate continued attempts, their inauspicious intentions have been in quagmire so far and they have all eaten dust in there schemes to destabilize or balkanize Pakistan. “They are making their plans, but Allah is making His plans and He is the best of planners”

The most recent attack on the main Muharram procession in Karachi and the mayhem that followed, was a latest attempt to provoke sectarian violence in the city of Quaid, Pakistan’s economic hub, which was at peace since quite some time. It was an unprecedented incident in terms of timing and execution with clues again leading to American/Indian elements, with the rulers showing their usual incompetency. But the wonderful people of Karachi demonstrated exemplary patience and unity and sent a strong message that such cowardly acts cannot bring the Pakistani nation down and every such attack is making us more and more strong and determined to crush whoever eyes our sovereignty and raise our flag higher!

It is high time that some critical decisions must be taken for the defense and security, sovereignty and prosperity of Pakistan:

1. Pakistan’s foreign policy must immediately be revised and clear cut distinction must be made between the enemies and friends of Pakistan. USA, India and Israel must be declared as hostile states and an aggressive message delivered that we will not tolerate any conspiracy, interference and assault against Pakistan and we will retaliate back with full force in case of any attempt to attack the sovereignty of Pakistan.

2. The US/NATO supply line must be totally blocked since all of the trouble for Pakistan is coming from Afghanistan, there is no point in supporting this supply of essentials to the US/NATO forces when are getting nothing but terror, turmoil and innocent deaths in return.

3. The present Government has “aptly” demonstrated its incompetence and inability in all areas and has served its masters enough, it should either mend its ways, make the right decisions for Pakistan or it should just step down for the Patriots of Pakistan to take over and run the affairs of the state appropriately. Enough is Enough!

4. Clear statements must be made about the Indian involvement in the terrorism in Pakistan and strong warning must be given to the Indians to stop supporting and sponsoring the terrorists on our territory otherwise they will have to pay heavy price!

5. The situation of law and order must be improved and strengthen by continuing and stepping up the current trend of judicial righteousness and internal matters of Pakistan must be adequately resolved.

The need of the hour for the Pakistani nation is to believe in Pakistan and stand united as a solid and unshakable unit leaving all differences behind, work for it with loyalty, honesty and determination and be a part of the destiny that has already been written for Pakistan.

Against all odds, the Rise of Pakistan is coming Insha’Allah!

Pakistan Hamesha Zinda-o-Paindabaad

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