Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Apple iSlate / iPad to be launched tomorrow

apple tablet oled w500  Apple iSlate / iPad to be launched  tomorrow PakPoint.comApple’s CEO Steve Jobs claims that “The new products we are planning to release this year are very strong, starting this week with a major new product that we’re really excited about”. Apple Tablet or iPad is a rumored upcoming tablet computing device product from Apple Inc. The price is expected to be more than the iPhone but less than an Apple notebook computer. The iSlate/iPad has been rumoured to cost between $800 and $1200. Some online surveys have shown that 49 per cent would play games on iSlate over DS or PSP, while in an other survey about its price 70% say no to $700 plus price.

It is yet not offically confirmed that what will be Apple’s new device named i.e iTablet, iPad or iSlate? McGraw-Hill CEO Confirms that Apple new Tablet will be iPhone OS Based.

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