Sunday, January 31, 2010

How to run Flash apps on Apple iPad?

Apple iPad 001  How to run Flash apps on Apple iPad? PakPoint.comEvery iPad prospective user have this question in mind that how to run flash apps and contents on their newly acquired gadget. Steve jobs made this clear during his keynote address that Apple’s iPad doesn’t support Flash natively. In response to this Adobe posted an official blog
about building iPad applications with flash. They have announced the Packager for iPhone at MAX 2009 which will allow Flash developers to create native iPhone applications and will be available in the upcoming version of Flash Pro CS5. Here is a selection from Adobe official blog

Our very own Christian Cantrell has posted an in-depth article on the Adobe Developer Connection, Authoring For Multiple Screen Sizes, that details best practices in creating applications that run on multiple screens. If you want to prepare applications today that will work great on the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad, follow the guidelines from this article today.

In response to this apple iBook Store policy adobe also criticized apple for not supporting ePub content

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