Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bangladeshi Patriots Incensed At Hasina’s Sell Out To India

london 15 January 2010:The patriots of Bangladesh in general were anticipating the agreements between Bangladesh and India, during Hasina’s visit to India from 10 to 13 January 2010, to be unfavourable to Bangladesh. However, what they actually found in the end was much worse. The 50-point Joint Communiqué was published by the Ministry of External affairs, India, on 12 January 2010, the day when the agreements were signed. The excerpts thereof, and possibly the full Communiqué, were also published in Bangladesh on 12 January 2010. These reports said it all. The patriots of Bangladesh in their utter amazement found the agreements to be absolutely a sell out of national interest and an abject surrender of sovereignty by the BAL government to the gleeful Indian hegemonists.

In exchange, Hasina was awarded a hollow and worthless Indira Gandhi ‘peace prize’ by these Indian hegemonists, who in 2005 awarded the same prize to Karzai, as Karzai and Hasina are both puppets of the US-Israel-India evil axis. Also Indira’s name cannot be associated with peace, without making a travesty of truth.

Save and except for the sworn lackeys of India, the victims of India-influenced media and other propaganda campaigns (like the WMD propaganda campaigns of lies by Bush) and the direct and indirect beneficiaries of Indian bankrolling and influence, the other people of Bangladesh in general are totally unhappy about, and opposed to, these agreements. They whole-heartedly denounce, reject and condemn the agreements and would look forward to the abrogation of these, whenever the right opportunity arises and, for that matter, the sooner these are annulled, the better for them.

The consequences of the agreements and the MOU’s:

Hasina has conceded to India what they have been pursuing for decades. She has conceded the use of Chittagong and Mongla ports and Ashuganj river-port and also offered them road and rail transit. In order to develop the roads for India’s transit (corridor), India has offered a loan of $1 bn. Thus, according to these arrangements, it would be Bangladesh, who would repay the loan with interest, while India would enjoy the transit (corridor). With a puppet regime like Hasina’s, it could not have been better for the Chanakya’s disciples in the South Block of New Delhi!

Out of these agreements, India would be getting sea, road and rail transits. River transit was conceded to them by Mujib and air transit by Moeen. India has offered to sell 250 MW of electricity to Bangladesh, which is not much compared to our requirement of 3000 MW. But, it would allow India to have a pressure lever on the users whenever they want to apply the pressure. India is eyeing control of our power sector, telecommunication sector, transport sector and, in course of time, control of the entire administration. Hasina’s bent-knee policies on the present round of agreements is supposed to be a good beginning for the hegemonists.

With transit through Bangladesh, India is likely to use Bangladesh territory as a supply route for transport of arms and ammunition to North-East India to counter local freedom fighters and to prepare for a possible conflict with China. When these cargos are under any ‘terrorist threat’, whether it is a false flag staged by India or a threat from the insurgents of India or an action of any angry demo by any unhappy Bangladeshi open or secret group, India would send military contingent for the protection of the cargos. Recently they have, according to reports, sent a commando of 50 or more specialist forces for the protection of their Dhaka High Commission, and Hasina kept mum about it conceding it as a diplomatic prerogative.

Once the Indian soldiers start entering Bangladesh, which India would very much like to do, they would virtually control Dhaka. Indian army was stationed in Bhutan in 2003 in the name of flushing out Indian insurgents. The Indian army since then have been permanently stationed there and consequently Bhutan became a dependent territory of India. With the same aim in view, India offered their puppet Moeen a joint military operation in Bangladesh, which because of sensitivity was avoided at that moment, probably postponed for then for the future. But, Moeen offered India military co-operation in exchange for six horses. The co-operation can be, according to many, linked to the rigging of the stage-managed election of 29 December 2008, the action of Indian commando in BDR massacre of 25-26 February 2009 and removal of any resistance to Indian hegemony from within the army, the BDR and the administration in general, in flagrant violation of our independence and sovereignty.
Is Bangladesh now an extension of war-zones of India?

Thus, with the signing of these agreements, Bangladesh has exposed itself to grave security perils and has brought upon itself an extension of the military conflicts of the neighbouring Indian states. On the other hand, if Indian army enters Bangladesh, then almost certainly there will develop an armed resistance from the people of Bangladesh with great geographical consequences, for these kinds of conflicts may well spill over both the Eastern and the Western borders of Bangladesh and can easily get linked to the Indian ongoing conflicts in those areas, inevitably bringing upon us a great scourge of warfare on our soil.

With a treaty on terrorism signed, Hasina has already tied herself with the Indian government against the ULFA, the Maoists and similar such insurgencies in India. This may bring about disastrous consequences for Bangladesh and this is tantamount to joining the conflict, which may invite attacks in Bangladesh.

Thus, the treaties and the MOU’s are not only a sell out of national interest, but also it is an abject surrender of Bangladesh sovereignty to India.

What national interests Hasina did not raise with India:

Hasina failed to claim compensation from India for the desertification and other damages to Bangladesh due to Farakka and Teesta barrages and other structures, which India built on reportedly 53 of the 54 common rivers. When Manmohan assured her that India would not cause any harm to Bangladesh by Tipaimukh Hydel project and the ensuing Fulertal barrage, she failed to unroll the pictures of desertification by existing barrages, failed to produce a list of damages quantified in monetary terms and failed to say that these assurances have regularly been uttered by India since 1972, but India has never been found to keep any promises.

Hasina did not ask India to get out of South Talpatti, to stop claiming our maritime areas, to stop killing of unarmed poor villagers in border areas (according to HR organisation ‘Odhikar’, Indian BSF killed about 100 people a year since 2000 and similar numbers were injured and abducted) and to stop abducting huge numbers of poverty-stricken Bangladeshi children and girls for their inhuman businesses of darkness. She did not ask India to stop arming and training ‘Shanti Bahini’ in CHT, the ‘Bongo Bhumi’ movement in the South West, etc. and to close down the terrorist training camps in India, which are run for sabotage in Bangladesh. She did not say to India’s face that India is suspected to have created the JMB and their strategic-partner Israel to have created the HuJI-B to impart on Bangladesh the blemish and stigma of a ‘failed’ or ‘terrorist’ state and, on this pretext, draw international support for India against Bangladesh.

Hasina failed to charge India for their hold-up on ratification of the Indira-Mujib treaty for the last 36 years. She failed to condemn their non-tariff and para-tariff barriers, which are raised to intentionally jeopardise and block Bangladesh exports to India, thus creating a huge trade deficit for Bangladesh. She failed to condemn India about what they recently did in pretending to extend relief to SIDR victims of Bangladesh. She failed to tell them that all of the above problems remaining unsolved, India can never be a friend to Bangladesh and with barbed wire fences all round its border, Bangladesh cannot have any friendly or normal relations with India.
Both Manmohan and Hasina must know that there are patriots in Bangladesh, who would speak their minds about their national interest and who understand absolutely well that cooperation and subservience are two different things. They also understand that: With a hegemonic friend like India, who needs enemies?

Hasina in her previous term as Prime Minister between 1996 and 2001, when she was duly elected, entered two treaties with India. One was the Ganges water sharing treaty, which was without a guarantee clause and without a mention of withdrawal or diversion of water upstream of Farakka. Some people call it a fraudulent treaty. The other treaty was her peace treaty in CHT, in which she actually surrendered the sovereignty of CHT to India. So, it can be observed that she has developed a habit of conceding national interest and surrendering sovereignty to India and, no wonder, India is so euphoric about her being the Prime Minister of Bangladesh.

The imperialist support for hegemonic India is a boost for India’s evil deeds:
The New York Times, the Herald Tribune and the VOA have all welcomed Hasina’s cooperation with India and these media, often influenced by India, have absolutely turned a blind eye to the problems of Bangladesh as mentioned above. They normally turn a blind eye to all the genocides, massacres and plunders perpetrated by the US and their allies. As compatible with this policy, they turn a blind eye to the genocides and massacres perpetrated by India on the Muslims, other religious groups, Dalits and ethnic minorities, in which hundreds of thousands of people get slaughtered in India. So, when the imperialist media try to stand on moral high ground, they sound very hollow indeed! And thus, when they welcome Hasina’s visit to India as a beginning of good relations between Bangladesh and India, they are simply supporting the imperialist-hegemonist evil alliance against us, the victims.

The one-eleven 2007 of Bangladesh was engineered by India with the active backing from the US and their allies, including their rubber stamp the UN. This was done to subjugate Bangladesh, to plunder its natural resources and to trample its national interest. They brought Hasina to power with the same objectives and by using the same methods of rigging in stage-managed election under military deployment, as they did to bring Karzai and al-Maliki to power.
The Obama administration seems to have retained the Bush policies in South Asia. Their half-hearted attempts to change the policies on Palestine and Kashmir seem to have been thwarted by Israel and India respectively. With the US strategic partnership with India and Israel remaining in tact in the perspective of South-, Central- and South-East Asia, India would avail of this power ensemble in order to try and reduce Bangladesh to their vassal state. So, our security is under great peril, as our independence and sovereignty are alarmingly under threat.

So, what should we do?

History has proved time and again that when a nation stands up with its people imbued with patriotism and united as a solid rock, then no external powers, however strong, can defeat them. History has also proved that the people of Bangladesh can unite and fight gloriously. Therefore, we have nothing to fear.

We must immediately build a united front of all the patriots across the political spectrum against the Hasina-Manmohan treaties and MOU’s and launch a powerful movement for the annulment of the treaties and the MOU’s, which have already threatened our independence and sovereignty, our national interest and our national resources. This movement would help the patriots to unite, would help the nation to stand up with valour and pride and would imbue the people with the spirit of liberty.

At present, it seems as though the international community is both blind and deaf to our causes, but as it happens normally that when the public is united and they stand up, the blindness and deafness of the international forces suddenly get cured, so that they begin to both see and hear. We therefore must persist in our political campaigns just as the Palestinians have done since the occupation of their lands.

Israel today stands precariously at this juncture of history, when there are reported CIA assessments that in about 20 years time the state of Israel may not exist.

India today stands precariously at this juncture of history, when according to a Chinese analyst, it can implode and divide into 20-30 states. Obviously this is due to the widespread insurgent movements and the movements of the repressed people and the various nationalities against the mindless genocides and massacres perpetrated on them by New Delhi.

The US today stands precariously at this juncture of history, when the unipolar world between 1991 and 2008 gave way to a multipolar world, which has arisen in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008-09 and the US has begun to go downhill towards the horizon of setting sun, leaving behind a world fervently hoping to be free from the genocides, massacres and plunders of imperialism.

We shall defend Bangladesh against the hegemonist aggression of India. We shall stand up as a brave people, we shall rise as a great nation and in course of time we shall make advancements to our country in order to join the ranks of the developed ones. Hasina’s sell out of national interest and surrender of sovereignty, “Viewpoints”, Monday January 18 2010 10:00:19 AM BDT By Zoglul Husain. UK, Writer: Zoglul Husain, UK, Email:

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