Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Woman Uses Child as Taser Shield, Wants Her Weed

With all due respect, this woman is scum.

From GlendaleNOW:

A domestic dispute that boiled over at a business led to a woman being arrested for disorderly conduct after she used a child as a shield against being Tasered.

According to Glendale police:

A 36-year-old Milwaukee woman was arrested for disorderly conduct/domestic at the service area at Andrew Toyota, 1620 W. Silver Spring Drive, at 12:15 p.m. March 24.

When police arrived, the woman was holding the hand of a child while shaking her finger in the face of her boyfriend, an employee of Andrew, while yelling, "Give me my weed back!"

She struggled with police, refused to give her name and held the child in front of her to avoid being Tasered.

The boyfriend said the two had been living together for a few months but when asked what the woman's last name was said he wasn't sure. He also said he didn't want her arrested but police told him, they had no choice.

It's sad to think this woman is responsible for a child. She's obviously not fit to parent or serve as a guardian.

The age of the child/Taser shield isn't reported, but the child is young enough for the woman to be holding the child's hand.

I wonder if the little one is the woman's child. She's 36. Maybe grandchild?

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