Wednesday, March 30, 2011

WSEU, AFSCME Council 24 - Boycott Letters

Anti-Scott Walker union thugs have expanded their threats to boycott businesses in Wisconsin.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Members of Wisconsin State Employees Union, AFSCME Council 24, have begun circulating letters to businesses in southeast Wisconsin, asking them to support workers’ rights by putting up a sign in their windows.

If businesses fail to comply, the letter says, “Failure to do so will leave us no choice but (to) do a public boycott of your business. And sorry, neutral means 'no' to those who work for the largest employer in the area and are union members."

Jim Parrett, a field representative of Council 24 for Southeast Wisconsin, confirmed the contents of the letter, which carries his signature. But he added that the union was also circulating letters to businesses thanking them for supporting workers’ rights.

Parrett said that since the letters were sent out, he has received threatening phone calls as well as calls from people supporting the state workers.

"I've gotten a lot of threatening phone calls," Parrett said.

Parrett said he believed the letter campaign was going on in other parts of the state. His region includes Racine and Kenosha counties, as well as parts of Waukesha and Walworth counties.

“It’s going on in other parts of the state,” he said Wednesday.

...In the letter from Parrett to some businesses, he says that, “It is unfortunate that you have chosen ‘not’ to support public workers rights in Wisconsin. In recent past weeks you have been offered a sign by a public employee who works in one of the state facilities in the Union Grove area. These signs simply said, ‘This Business Supports Workers Rights,’ a simple, subtle and we feel non-controversial statement gives the facts at this time.”

..."The recent actions taken on the governor’s budget repair bill have taken more from workers than dollars. It took away our right to bargain things such as: sick leave and how it is used, vacation and how it is used, overtime and how it is ‘fairly’ distributed. Our grievance procedure has been virtually destroyed. These are things that make life working in a 24/7 facility tolerable,” Parrett wrote in the letter.

Parrett adds in the letter: "State employees fully expect to take some lumps financially in these tough economic times, we have offered and we will. But don't take away rights to what has kept workplace peace for half a century and has worked well."

...Asked Wednesday about the boycott effort, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said "that any nonviolent tactic used to get attention to the steamroller tactics it seems to me are reasonable. I encourage people to remain nonviolent and disciplined in their protests."

Asked if he supported boycott efforts in Wisconsin, Jackson did not directly endorse them.

He said: The best way to resolve conflict is when everybody is at the tabel and they can negotiate through some rational institutional process."

(Don't the professional journalists, union members, of the Journal Sentinel spell check their articles before publishing? What's a "tabel"?)

Originally, the union thugs targeted businesses that had some indirect connection to Governor Scott Walker. For example, if an owner or employee, as a private citizen, made a donation to the Governor, that business made the boycott list.

Now, the union thugs have expanded their targets. They are demanding that businesses with no connections whatsoever to Governor Walker and to political matters display political signs supporting the unions. In effect, the union thugs are making them an offer they can't refuse.

The thugs threaten that if the businesses don't display the pro-union signs, there will be consequences - PUBLIC BOYCOTT.

"And sorry, neutral means 'no' to those who work for the largest employer in the area and are union members."

This is disgusting. As a former member of AFSCME (against my will), I find these letters detestable.

The public unions have really gone off the deep end.

Remaining neutral is not an option, according to the union thugs.


The more the union thugs employ these strong-arm tactics against hard-working people just trying to make a living, the more my disapproval of these public union members, THUGS, grows.


Note to self: Go to Sendik's and buy Johnsonville brats and Sargento cheese, then go to Kwik Trip.

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